Scavenger Costume
As the costume developed, I decided to put my own influence into Scavenger Rey, and steer away from making it screen accurate.
Costume build for ComicCon. References from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I loved Rey’s costume from the first time I saw it on screen and knew then that I wanted to make it for myself. This was my first big project and I learned a lot from it. Many items were made from things I had laying around or made from scratch.
The majority of this costume I made from scratch or was altered to fit what I wanted. All pieces were then weathered to look dust, dirty and old, as if they had been used for a long time. The sash, straps and headscarves were made from scrap fabric I had. I bought items like the boots and gloves, then weathered them to blend into the costume.
photo cred: Anistellos
For the goggles, I had basic biker-esque goggles that I adjusted. I built up the frames using cardboard then covered them in fabric. Other details were made from painted cardboard, and also a mobile reading light. As with the rest of the costume, I weathered the goggles with paint and eyeshadow.
The staff was made out of an old curtain pole, which I wrapped in foam and fabric. I looked at many reference pictures to get the details as close as I could. I then spray painted the whole thing black to then put a light layer of silver over the top; this helps it look more metallic. I then weathered it and splattered paint to look like mud and dust, then used some copper tones to imitate rust.
I also created a strap out of leftover fabric and cardboard so I could keep the staff on my back rather than holding it in my hands all day.
For Rey’s blaster, I used a toy gun and painted it black. Then I weathered it using silver and copper to imitate chipping and damage as if it has been found, or handed down. As with all other components, I used paint to create the look of dust, dirt and wear.